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4 days

Average judgment time

26 days

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The Journal of "Wood and Forest Science and Technology "of the Publishing Ethics Committee (COPE).

Publication order: Quarterly

Publication language: Persian with English summary

Type of refereeing: double blind (closed refereeing)

Access to Articles: Open Access

  Impact coefficient of  IF:   ISC 2022 :0.078

Journal rating: Group A

History of the publication

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Current Issue: Volume 31, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 1-178 

The effect of physiographic factors on the leaf area index in broadleaf forests of Golestan province

Pages 95-120


Seyedeh zahra Seyed mousavi; Jahangir Mohammadi; Roshanak Darvishzadeh; Shaban Shataee; Ramin Rahmani; Khalil Gorbani

Spruce wood-derived monolithic carbon cathode for rechargeable zinc-air batteries

Pages 159-178


Zeinab Oodi Zare; Mahdi Mashkour; Taghi Tabarsa; Davood Rasouli; Mehrdad Mashkour

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