Full details of how to make online submissions can be found in the “ Guide for Authors”
Without the use of ‘offline browsers’ for extensive download, all the articles published in the The Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology are fully open access. Of course, no individual or institution has the right to use the content of the Journal for commercial purposes.
Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by usingThe Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology online submission and review web site (https://jwfst.gau.ac.ir). This site will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.
To prepare the final version of an article for its publication, please see "Guide for Authors" section. It is essential to observe all the tips and style sheets provided in this section.
If the rules and regulations provided in the "Guide for Authors" section are not applied , the manuscript will not be reviewed.
Please refer to the Journal’s Peer Review Process.
The Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology accepts articles both in Persian and English. After collecting enough English articles for an issue, they will be published in a special issue.
The Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology strongly emphasizes on ethical principles for publication to be closely followed by all authors aiming to publish in this journal. Full details of the ethical obligations can be found in the “ Publication Ethics” and “About Journal” sections.
Be aware that non-compliance with publication ethics will result in the withdrawal of your paper and authors will enter a black list and will be unable to make future submissions to the Journal. Additionally, the authors’ affiliated institutions will be notified of the misconduct and unethical behavior.
Please be informed that The Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology takes plagiarism very seriously, and if any type of plagiarism is noted and proven, the manuscript will be withdrawn from the publication process. If the plagiarism is encountered after the article is published, an explanatory notification will be published about the case in the following Issue, and the article will be removed from the online archive of the Journal. Moreover, authors submitting plagiarized materials will enter a black list and the affiliated institutions will be notified of the plagiarism.
Articles should be in line with the aims and scope of the Journal and have a sound research structure. In addition to observing the scientific structure of an article, novelty, reliability of findings, validity of methods and techniques, and trustworthiness of references and resources are among the most important factors influencing the acceptance of a manuscript. Articles should demonstrate quality research related to human rights and all interdisciplinary fields of study to warrant publication in this journal. Articles that merely express issues superficially or only in the form translation of documents or repetitions, without any critical review of the literature, will have little chance of acceptance.
The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper. Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscripts and provide the definite list of authors at the time of the original submission. Only in exceptional circumstances will the Editor consider (at their discretion) the addition, deletion rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been submitted and the author must clearly flag any such request to the Editor.
The corresponding author is the one to whom all the correspondences (queries, revisions, etc.) are sent. The corresponding author coordinates the manuscript, cover letter, editor and reviewers’ suggestions, and later, responses to editors and reviewers.
Yes, the corresponding author should give the license agreement to all the co-authors and gather their signatures. This form must be sent to the office of the Journal after the article is accepted to be published.
InThe Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, article withdrawal may only be possible if the article has been submitted within 7 days of business days. After the article has entered the process of reviewing, there is no possibility to withdraw. If the author wishes to withdraw the article after the time limitationThe Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology has the right to take decisions about the publication of the article. To withdraw an article, the author must write a clear and concise letter to the Editor-in-Chief as to why the manuscripts needs to be withdrawn.
The initial appraisal of the form, structure, and the content of a manuscript will usually take two weeks. The results of the initial appraisal will be delivered to the Editor –in- Chief. In two weeks, the Editor gives his final suggestions and decides whether the article should be sent to the reviewers or not. Reviewers are required to announce the results of peer-reviewing within 2 months. This time might be shorter based on the workload and the number of manuscripts submitted to the Journal. The Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology tries its best to give the final results of peer-reviewing of articles as soon as possible.
No, but suggestion of fair and expert reviewers at this stage can accelerate the process of peer-reviewing.
Please see Indexing and Abstracting section of the Journal's website.
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You can call the office of the Journal so that the subscription form would be sent to you, or you can see the subscription form section on the Journal's website.
If you do not find your question and the answer among the questions in this section, you can reach the executive manager through m.mashkour.phd@gmail.com or you can call 0171-32430522.