Investigating factors influencing on commitment and behavior of customers in corrugated box making companies.

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



Background and Subjects: Todays, the satisfaction isn’t the final key to success and profitability, and the marketing concepts that has been insisting lately on this matter, don’t recognize it anymore, thus today only customers who have a sense of belonging to the organization are counted as profitable and long term capital for organization. To keep and maintain a customer in Corrugated Box Making industry contains a large share of sale security and stability in the competitive market. Strengthening commitment in buyers of corrugated board products leads to the survival of the production units. Researchers’ have investigated the factors affecting the commitment and behavior of customers in different industries. But in the corrugated board and packaging industry that their increased industrial activity thrives on industrial exchange in each country, it is not practical. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to identify factors affecting the commitment and behavior of customers in the corrugated board production units in order to offer the solutions for the continuity and quality of its relationship.
Material and Methods: Information of the survey is gained through library research, reviewing canons, and interviews with experts regarding the subject’s matter of the survey. Then all indices were considered in a questionnaire designed by the researcher standards. The questionnaire was distributed among a sample of the target population. The study consisted of customer and consumers of corrugated board products in Tehran. After sending questionnaires to managers, supervisors, company executives, Consumer and buyer of corrugated board products a number of 150 of them was received. Preliminary evaluation of questionnaire was conducted in the form of descriptive statistics. Then, using a model of research the effect of seven factors related to the intensity of emotions, mutual trust, interdependence, interpersonal factors, and the quality of the relationship with commitment and behavior of buyers of corrugated box making industry was investigated. Received data was analyzed by using factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM).
Results: Data analysis showed that the factors of mutual trust and interpersonal relationships between customers and sellers in corrugated board products industry have the greatest impact on customer commitment. While the intensity of feelings in corrugated board products industry has less impact on customer commitment. However the other factors in the research influenced the research subject too. Increased commitment in customer of corrugated board products industry, lead to increased buying behavior of the industry, which itself finally leads to increase in profits of firms. The cost for manufactures in corrugated board products reduced by increasing desirable behavior in customers of industry.
Conclusion: The commitment is very important on the relationship between buyers and sellers in corrugated board industry. Some of the benefits that gained the marketers their business are the buyer commitment in corrugated board industry. It is achieving their suitable behavior that reduces costs and increases profits of seller firms.The findings suggest that managers and directors emphasize the commitment of customers and in order to increase their of commitment to causes of interpersonal trust they should pay more attention.


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