Evaluation of adaptation and performance of industrial Eucalyptus species in Qom wastewater station

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


Forests and Rangelands Research Department, Qom Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qom, Iran


Background and objectives: Eucalyptus species are used for afforestation in different ecological areas due to their rapid growth and high genetic diversity. The industrial performance of some species and provenances of Eucalyptus was evaluated.
Materials and methods: The experiment was a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two factors: 1) genotype at 6 levels and 2) time at 3 levels in four replications. Irrigation was carried out using the treated wastewater of Qom city. Selected genotypes were including six provenances of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. Microtheca Muell. and E. rubida Deane & Maiden. Growth traits including: tree height, trunk diameter, height growth, diameter growth and height to diameter ratio were measured. Because of evergreen eucalyptus trees, vegetative traits were recorded in two stages yearly, one in early autumn (after summer heat stress) and the other in spring (after winter cold stress).
Results: Statistical analysis such as analysis of variance and comparison of mean traits between genotypes and different years showed that the effect of treatment (species and provenances), replication and year effect on tree height were significant. Mean comparisons showed that species and provenances were classified into five distinct groups and one common group; E. camaldulensis 41ch was in the highest group. Trees were grouped according to the diameter of trunk, E. camaldulensis 41ch and E. camaldulensis Qom were in the first and second groups. In addition, E. camaldulensis 41ch and E. camaldulensis Qom were in the first group and E. microtheca 62 and E. rubida 166sh respectivelygroups. The diameter trunk of E. camaldulensis Qom was in the first group and E. rubida 166sh in the last group. In terms of trunk height to diameter ratio, the species were divided into two distinct groups and three common groups, based on these results, E. camaldulensis 41zh was the first group with the highest height to diameter ratio.
Conclusion: In general, the results showed that E. camaldulensis had the highest ratio of survival and establishment, it had the highest growth and diameter growth and E. microtheca was in the next place.
E. camaldulensis seems to have a higher performance for wood production than other species and provenances, E. camaldulensis Qom was also ranked first in terms of diameter and height growth, this due to seed origin (Qom) and adaptation to regional conditions. Overall, the results showed that E. camaldulensis had the highest rank in height and diameter growth, followed by E. microtheca.


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