Morphological and Biological Properties of Decorated Papers Impregnated with Melamine Formaldehyde Resins Containing Chitosan Nanoparticles

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Chief editor

3 associate Porf. Tehran University

4 Tehran University


Background and objectives: The purpose of this study is production of decorative antibacterial melamine papers veneers using chitosan nanoparticles. Today, for many uses, there is a need for composite products that are well paid. Melamine Laminate is the most widely used veneer for wood-based composite product in the world, according to the FAO report. Melamine veneers are used as a decorative and protective layer on the surface of wood-based composite products such as particleboard and fiberboard, which then can be used in laminate flooring, furniture such as the computer tables and kitchen worktops.
Researches on antimicrobial coatings to protect surfaces from residues of microorganisms on surfaces in the environment that could prevent the spread of diseases in human societies have attracted a remarkable interest. Therefore, the development of Nano-structure coatings with antimicrobial properties has been interested considerably.
Materials and methods: In this study, immersion of decor-base paper in melamine formaldehyde resin treated with chitosan nanoparticles was used for the production of antibacterial melamine decorative veneers. Then, the moisture content of produced melamine coatings was reduced to a range of 5 to 7% by a laboratory drying agent. The specimens were evaluated using XRD, FESEM and FTIR techniques. For biologic tests of papers, bacterial inhibition zone measurement method and Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were used as two indicator bacteria in biological tests.
Results: The results showed that the chitosan nanoparticle concentrations were effective on the antimicrobial activity of melamine coatings and its effect on the gram-positive bacteria was stronger and increased the diameter of the inhibition zone. Melamine coatings containing 1.5% of Nano chitosan had the highest microbial effect.
Conclusion: Melamine coatings treated with chitosan nanoparticles had high antimicrobial properties. Considering all the results of the present research and economic costs of using chitosan nanoparticles, consumption less than 1% by weight was determined as optimum consumption. It should be noted that with a better distribution of resin nanoparticles at the matrix surface, also in small amounts, significant antibacterial properties can be added to the melamine coatings produced.


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