Investigating structure monitoring indicators for wooden species of Northern forests of Iran

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 university of Tehran

2 Assistant Prof., Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


Background and objectives: Monitoring forest structure, to understand many issues in ecology and forest management is essential. In general, the term "structure" emphasizes the combination of tree communities in terms of specific characteristics. Monitoring forest structure is essential for understanding many issues in ecology and forest management. Today, many indicators have been developed for assessing the position and biodiversity of the trees, which simplifies the structural analysis of the forest. The use of these indices in constant sample units facilitates population dynamics studies over time and makes it possible to monitor the diversity of the location, dimensions, diversity of trees and height of the trees. Due to the smallness of these indicators and the possibility of comparing a mass at two different times, these indicators are a useful tool for achieving sustainable forest management.
Materials and methods: Combination indexes, uniform angles, diameters and altitudes are among the most important indices in the analysis of forest spatial structure in static studies. These indicators are preferable to other methods because of their simplicity in calculations and balancing accuracy. In this research, using a randomized random method, a rectangular grid of 200 * 150 * meters was used to identify the Gorazbon of Kheyroud forest in the city of Noshahr. Then, in order to study the structure of the forest species (beech, oak, hornbeam, alder, apple, lambs, lambs, almonds, and durum wheat) over a period of ten years, the uniform angle index, Ming-Ling blending, close The largest neighbor and the index of differentiation of diameter and height of trees were used.Results: According to The results, Average indexes uniform angle index, mixing Ming Ling, nearest neighbor and the diameter and height dominate the index, in the first period and the end of the monitoring period was calculated) 0/598 and 0/525, 0/582 and 5/645 and 5/35, 0/762 and 0/720, 0/5521 and 0/591 respectively This represents a cluster random distribution pattern, an optimal mix of diversity and high density and the average dispute between the diameter and height of neighboring trees then the reference tree. In order to compare species diversity, location, and size, paired t-test was used.
Conclusion: Paired t-test results showed that there is no significant difference between these indices before and after the period of monitoring (ie, the ten-year period). Also, the results of t-pair test for each species were proved, that there is a significant difference between the indices of differentiation of hornbeam tree before and after the observation. But there was no significant difference between the other species before and after the observation. This is due to the dominance of hornbeam trees in neighboring trees.


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