The effect of nano copper oxide on physical properties and leaching resistance of wood-Polystyrene polymer

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


.Gorgan university


In this study, physical properties and leach resistance of eastern cottonwood-polymers that treated with copper oxide nanoparticles were studied. According to ASTM D4442 Standard, Wood samples converted to 20×20×20 mm dimensions, then were impregnated with polymers and nano copper oxide by full cell method. In this research variable factors were polymers (furfuryl alcohol and styrene monomer), concentration of polymers (40 and 80 percent) and nano copper oxide (in of concentrations 0, 0.4 and 0.8 percent). After preparing Samples, they were immersed in 100 ml of DI water and their water absorption, volumetric swelling and leach resistance were calculated. Obtained results showed that there are significant differences between treated and untreated samples, where treated samples had less volume of water absorption and volumetric swelling. Also samples treated with furfuryl alcohol and nano copper oxide showed better performance on physical properties in compare to samples treated with styrene monomer and nano copper oxide. In the case of leaching, treated samples with polymers had the least amount of copper leaching so that leaching values were less than 1 percent in most of them. After preparing Samples, they were immersed in 100 ml of DI water and their water absorption, volumetric swelling and leach resistance were calculated. Obtained results showed that there are significant differences between treated and untreated samples, where treated samples had less volume of water absorption and volumetric swelling. Also samples treated with furfuryl alcohol and nano copper oxide showed better performance on physical properties in compare to samples treated with styrene monomer and nano copper oxide. In the case of leaching, treated samples with polymers had the least amount of copper leaching so that leaching values were less than 1 percent in most of them. significant differences between treated and untreated samples, where treated samples had less volume of water absorption and volumetric swelling. Also samples treated with furfuryl alcohol and nano copper oxide showed better performance on physical properties in compare to samples treated with styrene monomer and nano copper oxide. In the case of leaching, treated samples with polymers had the least amount of copper leaching so that leaching values were less than 1 percent in most of them. After preparing Samples, they were immersed in 100 ml of DI water and their water absorption, volumetric swelling and leach resistance were calculated. Obtained results showed that there are significant differences between treated and untreated samples, where treated samples had less volume of water absorption and volumetric swelling.

Key words: wood-polymer, styrene monomer, nano-copper oxide, furfuryl alcohol


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