Assessment of technological Gap and advantage of the sustainable forest management

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



Background and objectives: Today, mankind has reached at this important point, which next generations survival depends on management function of present generation, therefore to protect probability of survival of next and present generations, has accepted sustainable development and management, and it'll has no way. In order to achieve this concept to policy making and planning at the international, national and local, and searching optimal way to implement it. To do this, the concept of sustainable management of natural resources and forests has been considered, but unfortunately it is a slow process and requires a motive, that fits with the needs of today and tomorrow. Therefore in this study, technology has investigated as a sustainable development principle and a motivation factor to achieve sustainable management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the capacity and technological requirements in order to achieve sustainable forest management.
Materials and methods: Technological gaps and advantages for getting sustainable forest management in The Hamadan province studied using "CAPTECH" method. For this purpose, technological criteria and indicators and sustainable forest management principles have used. This research was descriptive survey with target population including forestry sector experts of Natural Resources and watershed management administration and the non-probability purposive sampling.
Results: The result of this study showed that sustainable forest management principles based on CAPTECH parameters has 40% advantage and 60% gap. The lowest weighted advantage of technological parameters which is related to systems and practices parameter is 33 percent and the highest weighted advantage of technological parameters which is related to logistics and optimization level is 49%. The greatest advantage of managerial approach criterion is related to organizational culture indicator by 49% and the lowest advantage of this criterion is related to problem-solving index by 35%. Based on the managerial approach indicators, the first principle of sustainable forest management, the policy, planning and institutional framework, has got the greatest advantage that it has won an amount equal to 50% and The advantage of the fifth principle, the agreement of stakeholders to maintain forest ecosystem health and human well-being, has obtained the lowest amount of 38%.
Conclusions: Due to the importance of sustainable forest management and the importance of technology and technology management at present era that has been emphasized in Agenda 21, it is important to use technology and its capacities to reach our target, therefore technological gaps and advantages should be determine for optimal planning and policy making.


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