Economical comparison between of Agroforestry andnormal agriculture in Azna of lorestan Region

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



Background and objectives: Allocating of land to different land uses is very vital and important task that can considered by natural resource specialists and managers. There are different methods to evaluating a land allocation project. In some methods ecological capability evaluation is considered to land allocation and some methods are based on cost benefit analysis of different land uses. Agro forestry as a land use strategy has variety of advantages. This land use system can provide farmers with higher levels of income and welfare and increase protection of soil and water resources, simultaneously. In rural area, agro forestry systems can improve income of households which in return could reduce degradation of natural resources. Farmers need to be aware of preferences of agro forestry systems against normal agriculture. This can help managers to promoting this land use strategy in rural area. For this aim, net income of agro forestry and normal agriculture must be compared.
Materials and methods: This study was conducted to compare agroforestry system and normal agriculture economically. Research was carried in Azna region located in Lorestan province. Data of study was gathered using survey and literature review. Supplementary data are obtained through different sources including field observations and discussion with extension officers at the divisional agricultural service. For this aim, a questionnaire based method was used to gathering data. Totally, 30 farmers who have agro forestry system and normal agriculture farms were selected randomly. All date about different costs and incomes of both of systems were gathered and costs and incomes were calculated. The data were analyzed using the Statistical methods.
Results: Results of study indicate that costs and net incomes of agro forestry systems are higher than normal agriculture, statistically. Rate of return in agro forestry systems was higher than normal agriculture, statistically.
Conclusion: The findings of research indicate that agro forestry can improve income of household and result in increasing of welfare level.

Key word: Economical, Agroforestry, normal agriculture, Azna , lorestan.
All date about different costs and incomes of both of systems were gathered and costs and incomes were calculated. The data were analyzed using the Statistical methods. Results of study indicate that costs and net incomes of agro forestry systems are higher than normal agriculture, statistically. Rate of return in agro forestry systems was higher than normal agriculture, statistically. The findings of research indicate that agro forestry can improve income of household and result in increasing of welfare level.
Key word: Economical, Agroforestry, normal agriculture, Azna , lorestan.


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