Effect of using of Zeolite and Calcium Carbonate fillers on newsprint paper Properties

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



In this study, the effect of using different amounts of zeolite and calcium carbonate fillers at three levels comprising 10, 20 and 30 % on newsprint paper properties was investigated. Chemi Mechanical Pulp (CMP) and calcium carbonate and zeolite fillers (Analysm type) were used. To compare the physical and mechanical properties, from equal amount of filler remaining in paper as 10% zeolite and 30% calcium carbonate treatments was used to interpretation of results. The results showed that zeolite retention (59.17%) is more than calcium carbonate (22.5%). Important result of this research is to reduce production costs and effluent pollutions due to high retention of zeolite filler. Papers containing 10% zeolite in comparison with 30% calcium carbonate fillers , physical and mechanical properties were more but brightness and opacity were less. Totally, it can be concluded that zeolite filler is suitable for products that moderate brightness needs.


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