The effects Study of oxidation and nano-clay filler treatments on plywood mechanical properties of Eucalyptus Camuldulensis

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



The study to evaluate the possibility of making plywood from Eucalyptus Camuldulensis wood with oxidation of layers surfaces and using of nano-clay as filler glue was performed.
At first, Eucalyptus wood layers treated by hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid to the amount 50 g/m2 and since increase of nano-clay, treated with urea-formaldehyde adhesive. Of course, nano-clay filler with three level of 1.5, 3 and 4.5 present was used. The spectrums of oxidized specimens before and after dried were taken using FTIR spectroscopy. Layer boards were made with Press pressure 150 Kg/cm2, press temperature 0C 160 presses and two press time 4.5, and 5.5 minutes. Finally, resistances of the boards were matured by ISO standard.
The results showed that the greatest amount of resistance was related to control samples, and the least amount of resistance was related to the samples treated with sulfuric acid, 3% nano-clay and pressing time 5.4 minutes. This study showed that the oxidation layers treatment and nano- clay as adhesive filler, negative effect have on the resistances layer board. Variance analysis of results showed that differences were punctual in the all of tests.


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