Assessment of salt stress of 3 Eucalyptus in first growth stage

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 gorgan university

2 Golestan university

3 Cotton Research Institute


Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses, which according to its negative effects on plant growth, reduces land's potential productivity. Seed germination is the first stage of plant development, in that, plant encounter with salinity of soil., because study of plant response to salinity in this stage, could have an important role in determination of plant salinity resistance. So that, we can determine the salinity resistance of plants in short time. In this study, in order to identify salinity resistance of three Eucalyptus species (E. microtheca, E.camaldulensis, and E.saligna) in germination and initial growth stages, using MS media culture in in vitro condition and using completely randomized factorial experiment with 3 replications, seeds of them exposed to 6 salt treatment with 6 levels of NaCl salts(0,50,100,150,200,250 Mm) in laboratory condition and germination percentage, germination speed, seed vigor, root and shoot length, root and shoot fresh weigh, root and shoot dry mass and total biomass, were measured and used as salinity tolerance indexes (STI). The results showed that salt concentration is associated with reduction of STI. E.microtheca was more salinity tolerant than E.camaldulensis, and E.saligna , in order to get more sure result, seeds of these 3 species were planted in different salinity classes of natural soil. After comparison, it was determined that results are quite consistent.


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