The Comparison of Alkali and Boiling Water Pretreated Bagasse APMP Properties

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulping (APMP) is an advanced process of basic
Refiner Mechanical Pulping (RMP). The use of pretreatment on the raw material
(especially nonwoody resources like bagasse), result in improving most of the pulp
properties. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of pretreatment on the
value of pulp yield, alkali absorbtion and handsheet properties of bagasse APMP.
This especial bagasse was provided from Pars Paper Mill. The chemical
compositions of bagasse and the characteristics of it's handsheets were determined
according to the TAPPI standard rules. Bagasse was pretreated with boiling water
and with 1% NaOH and 1% NaOH + 1% H
separately and in the same
condition to provide pulp. Then the main treatment was done under this condition:
2% H
2O2 at pH around 11, temp. 60
C, in three diffrent consistency. The duration
of the main treatment was determined in the retention of 5% of the preliminary
. The results indicated that, the highest values of alkali absorbtion, density and
strength mechanical of the handsheets were obtained in the sample pretreated with
1% NaOH + 1% H
in 10% consistency. The highest values of pulp yield and
thickness of handsheets obtained from control sample bagasse and the highest
value of brightness obtained in the sample pretreated bagasse with boiling water in
20% consistency. In general, with increasing the value of alkali absorbtion by
bagasse, the pulp yield and the brightness of the handsheet decreased and their
strength mechanical increaced.
