Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Iran
The scientific investigation of forest vegetation distribution on the elevation
gradient of Alborz mountains range can be led to identifying natural habitats on the
basis of elevation variation. The purpose of this research is plants distribution
pattern investigation along elevation gradient which is located in North slope
aspect of Alborz Mountains in Touskestan-Charbagh, Golestan province. The
presence of plant species has been recorded on the 24 vertical transect side' roads
(12 sampling points) along the gradient of 740 to 2340 meters above sea level with
200 meter distances on this paper. Plant species in the sampled transects has been
grouped on basis of similarity and dissimilarity via TWINSPAN analysis in
PCORD 5 software. Also relationship between environmental factors (elevation,
slope, aspect, rain, temperature, relative humidity and evapotranspiration) and
vegetation has been evaluated via Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Result
showed that there are 4 distinguished plant groups (A) Tree and bush, (B) bush and
Shrub, (C) shrub and forb, (D) forb and grass. The environmental factors especially
elevation with effect on climate factors is the most effective characteristic on
distribution and division of grouping growth forms. As one or many plant species
are ecological indicators of specific range elevation.
Pouladi, N. and Delavar, M. A. (2014). Study of the forest vegetation on the basis of elevation gradient
in Touskestan-Charbagh habitat, Golestan province. Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 20(4), 41-60.
Pouladi, N. , and Delavar, M. A. . "Study of the forest vegetation on the basis of elevation gradient
in Touskestan-Charbagh habitat, Golestan province", Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 20, 4, 2014, 41-60.
Pouladi, N., Delavar, M. A. (2014). 'Study of the forest vegetation on the basis of elevation gradient
in Touskestan-Charbagh habitat, Golestan province', Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 20(4), pp. 41-60.
N. Pouladi and M. A. Delavar, "Study of the forest vegetation on the basis of elevation gradient
in Touskestan-Charbagh habitat, Golestan province," Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 20 4 (2014): 41-60,
Pouladi, N., Delavar, M. A. Study of the forest vegetation on the basis of elevation gradient
in Touskestan-Charbagh habitat, Golestan province. Journal of Wood and Forest Science and Technology, 2014; 20(4): 41-60.