Investigation of positioning and species diversity changes caused by local communities in Zagros forests (Case Study: Ghalehgol forest, Zagros,IRAN)

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 M.Sc student Faculty in forestry. Lorestan University.

2 Assistant Professor in Forestry & Forest Biometry, Forestry DepartmentFaculty of Agriculture Lorestan University

3 Assistant Prof. Faculty in forestry. Lorestan University

4 Ph.D student in forestry, University of Tehran


In order to properly manage the forest, investigation of changes caused by natural processes and human intervention is necessary. In this study, using uniform angle and Clark & Evans indices trees change location investigated, and the mingling and Shannon-Wiener indices applied to investigation of diversity changes in forest trees, Perk Ghale Gole in Khorramabad, in before and after degradation. For this purpose, using one hundred percent inventory in an area of about 32 hectares in three site of near to road, hill and plain, the current status of the forest studied. Then, taking cut trees (situation before damage) positioning and species diversity of trees were measured and compared with current status of the study area. The values of Clark & Evans index calculated 0.43 and 0.80, respectively for before and after the cut. These values showed change from cluster positioning to between random and cluster pattern. Also, the result of uniform angle index were calculated 0.50 and 0.47 for before and after the cut, respectively, that showed the random arrangement of nearest neighbors in both step. The mean value of mingling index calculated 0.05 and 0.06, respectively in before and after degradation, which represents a slight increase in mixture. Also, the results of the Shannon-Wiener index, calculated 0.23 and 0.25 respectively before the cut and after it that showed a slight increase in species diversity. In continue, trees positioning and species diversity of three sites, near to road, hill and plain, calculated separately and compared with together. The results of these indices can be used to determine the changes caused by natural processes and the involvement of the human.


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