Estimation of logging residuals from single selection cutting by Line Intersect method (Case study: parcel 237 from district 2 Guilan–Nav forest)

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


1 Assis. Prof. Islamic Azad University

2 Assoc. Prof. Forest Sciences, Natural Resources Faculty, University of Guilan, , Someh-Sara, Iran.


Minimizing of logging residuals has economic importance. In this research, volume and characteristics of logging residuals were studied in parcel 237 with 41ha from Asalem-Nav mountainous fagetum forest area. In this parcel silviculture method and logging system is single selection and assortment. The systematic sampling and line intersect method was used to estimate volume, weight, number and quality of logging residuals with twenty 100 m sample lines. Huber formula was used to measurement of each piece volume. Volume, weight and number of logging residues per hectare were estimated 3.6 m3, 2.5 ton and 233 pieces, respectively. Averages of volume, weight, length and middle diameters of pieces were estimated 0.02 m3, 15 kg, 1.5 m and 10 cm respectively. Roughly 65 percent volume of logging residue were recognized first class quality and without decay and knot. Ratios of logging residue volume to number of tree felling (R/N), log volume (R/L) and sum total of tree felling dbh (R/D) were estimated 0.58, 0.17 and 0.01. This amount of logging residuals is considerable and useable in wood industries. So export of those can have economic value.


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