Author = Mohamadhadi Moayeri
Detection of social forestry approaches and its impact on managing forestry plans in Golestan province

Volume 28, Issue 4, January 2022, Pages 1-24


Mohamadhadi Moayeri; Ahmad Abedi; Mohammadreza Shahraki; Ali Mastouri

Geometric indices and regeneration species diversity in natural and man-made canopy gaps

Volume 28, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 1-20


ُShamim Amini; Mohamadhadi Moayeri; Shaaban Shataee; Ramin Rahmani

Estimation of spatial variation of litter thickness in series one and two of natural and planted forest stands in in the Arabdagh area

Volume 27, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 109-130


ali mastouri; Shaban Shataee; mohamadhadi moayeri; khosro sagheb-talebi

Investigating the Type and Rate of Forest Use and Its Impact on the Livelihoods of Jaji Aryoub Forest Inhabitants (Paktia Province-Afghanistan)

Volume 27, Issue 2, September 2020, Pages 15-31


Mohammadesmaeil Larawai; Mohamadhadi Moayeri; Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani; Mohammadreza Shahraki

Forecasting and investigation of wood price fluctuations in major species of Caspian forests

Volume 25, Issue 4, March 2019, Pages 51-70


Nishtman Hatami; Soleiman Mohammadi Limaei; Mohamadhadi Moayeri