Keywords = Poplar
Prominent leaf morphological traits of mature trees to distinguish 14 poplar clones widely used in tree farming

Volume 29, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 77-94


Pedram Ghadiripour; Omid Esmaeilzadeh; Rafátollah Ghasemi

The effect of dye and metals salts on white cement curing and properties of decorative wood wool-cement composite

Volume 28, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 1-19


Fariba Khajeh Bonjar; Hamidreza Edalat; Taghi Tabarsa; Ali Rafighi

Evaluation of some effective parameters on energy consumption in drum chipper

Volume 26, Issue 4, March 2020, Pages 1-15


Mohammad Aghakhani; Abolghasem Khazaeian; Ali Rafighi; Frieder Scholz

Estimating above-ground woody biomass of planted Poplar using Allometric models

Volume 25, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 97-108


Mohsen Yousofvand Mofrad; Javad Soosani; Reza Akhavan; Kambiz Abrary; Iman Sepahvand; Farhad Jahanpour

Effect of different irrigation regimes on wood anatomical features and fiber biometry of two elite poplars

Volume 25, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 153-164


Reza Oladi; leila Heidari; Reza Bagheri; Kambiz Pourtahmasi

Determination the optimal conditions of poplar wood treatment with maleic anhydride and physical characteristics of the product

Volume 23, Issue 3, October 2016, Pages 221-240


Azadeh Nikkhahshahmirzadi; Maryam GhorbaniKykandeh; Seyad Mojtaba Amininasab